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Q: Is online purchasing of museum gift shop items available through your website?
A: No, unfortunately we are not presently set up to provide online sales of our museum gift shop items. Instead, we provide different methods to ship and sell our items to you remotely!
A: No, unfortunately we are not presently set up to provide online sales of our museum gift shop items. Instead, we provide different methods to ship and sell our items to you remotely!
Q: Can I purchase items from your museum gift shop?
A: Yes! You may purchase items from our museum gift shop.
A: Yes! You may purchase items from our museum gift shop.
Q: How do I do this? Do I have to come to the museum?
A: No, you do not need to come to our museum, though we would certainly love to have you drop in and see our artifact collections! You may contact us through either of the contact forms below, or by sending us an email, mailing a letter, or calling us. Our contact information can be found on our Contact Us page.
A: No, you do not need to come to our museum, though we would certainly love to have you drop in and see our artifact collections! You may contact us through either of the contact forms below, or by sending us an email, mailing a letter, or calling us. Our contact information can be found on our Contact Us page.
Q: What information do I need to provide in order to place an order?
A: Please provide us with the following information:
* Item(s) and Quantity
* Your Name and Shipping Address
* Your Phone Number and/or Email Address
* Any Other Pertinent Information Relating to Your Order
* Lastly your Credit Card Information: Credit Card Type (Visa, MasterCard, Discover), Credit Card Number; Expiration Date (MM/YY); Name on Credit Card; and CCV (Credit Card Verification) Number from Back of Credit Card.
NOTE: If you are uncomfortable sending us your credit card information over our website through our Purchase Request Form, you are encouraged to fill out the form with all information except for the credit card information. Then, follow your order by calling us during regular business hours at (435)789-7399 with your credit card information. Your order will be processed once we have received your credit card information*.
*All information submitted will be confidential and immediately destroyed after the shipment is made.
A: Please provide us with the following information:
* Item(s) and Quantity
* Your Name and Shipping Address
* Your Phone Number and/or Email Address
* Any Other Pertinent Information Relating to Your Order
* Lastly your Credit Card Information: Credit Card Type (Visa, MasterCard, Discover), Credit Card Number; Expiration Date (MM/YY); Name on Credit Card; and CCV (Credit Card Verification) Number from Back of Credit Card.
NOTE: If you are uncomfortable sending us your credit card information over our website through our Purchase Request Form, you are encouraged to fill out the form with all information except for the credit card information. Then, follow your order by calling us during regular business hours at (435)789-7399 with your credit card information. Your order will be processed once we have received your credit card information*.
*All information submitted will be confidential and immediately destroyed after the shipment is made.
Q: Do I have to pay by Credit Card or can I pay by Check?
A: No, you do not have to pay by credit card. You may pay by check or money order. However, orders paid this way will not be sent until your check or money order has cleared your financial institution.
A: No, you do not have to pay by credit card. You may pay by check or money order. However, orders paid this way will not be sent until your check or money order has cleared your financial institution.
Q: What about Sales Tax?
A: For orders mailed within the State of Utah, we are required to charge Utah Sales Tax. The current Utah Sales Tax Rate (as of 2024) is 4.85%. For orders mailed outside of Utah, no sales tax will be added to your order.
A: For orders mailed within the State of Utah, we are required to charge Utah Sales Tax. The current Utah Sales Tax Rate (as of 2024) is 4.85%. For orders mailed outside of Utah, no sales tax will be added to your order.
Q: What are the Shipping & Handling Charges?
A: Our shipping and handling charges vary depending on the item requested and it's weight. Before charging your payment method, we will factor in the cost of shipping and let you know prior to finalizing the sale.
A: Our shipping and handling charges vary depending on the item requested and it's weight. Before charging your payment method, we will factor in the cost of shipping and let you know prior to finalizing the sale.